New Drawings 2

I kept playing with the attractor/repeller program and ended up rewriting it to include a few new things. First, I wanted to use vectors for the positions, velocities and accelerations as well as set up classes for the attractors/repellers and the particles. I also adjusted how the force was calculated, which produces less symmetric images but models the physics better. I like the un-symmetric results, and will likely switch back and forth as necessary. The last thing I did was make the program 3D which gives some nice depth to the shapes and, when I slow down the velocity enough, produces some nice streaking. 

New Drawings

Still playing with this program. Creating a symmetrical setup of attractors gives some nice symmetrical patterns. Also played around with white on black. I'm going to rewrite this to easily be able to have attractors and repellers, be able to change the strength of attraction/repulsion for individual attractors/repellers (will be basically modeling electrostatic forces), be able to combine different sets of attractors/repellers without them interacting, and maybe give it some 3D functionality. 

More Generative Drawings

Using some fairly simple attractor/repeller simulations to generate really cool drawings using a program adapted from Tom Carden. Tweaking parameters leads to a lot of variation and some cool shapes. 

This program generates 'attractors' and 'repellers' (4 or 5 in these drawings) as well as a thousands of 'particles'. The particles start at random locations and the attractors/repellers are set by the user or can be randomly generated. The program essentially calculates the net acceleration on each particle by the attractors/repellers and moves it accordingly, drawing a very feint dot each frame for each particle. As the program runs particles fly all over the place, and lines/shapes/patterns emerge where many particles have gone. 

Up next, I want to write a different version of this program to formalize the physics a little bit, add more adaptability, and add some user input via the LEAP. 

Generative Drawings

Today I was playing around with some generative drawings. It's interesting to play around with some code, play with a few parameters and watch the program draw something. I like the iterative process and the fact that you don't really know what is going to come out but you can adjust afterwards. 

Below is a video showing the drawing process and a bunch of pictures of what I was messing around with. You can find the code here
